The Progression of Dobie Haven's Kennels
The Progression of Dobie Haven's Kennels
2015 - Version III
Thanks to the hard work of our Kennel Director, Willum Jobe, and to
the generous donations we get via All Saints Bingo, we were able to
upgrade the kennels once again and not only do they give the dogs much
better shelter in the cold of winter where we have a system of propane
heaters and vinyl covers but, they are extremely well built and
hopefully will give us good service for a very long time.
We were also able to install a completely new drainage system as
well as pour a concrete pad in between the two rows of kennels. The
result is an enormous improvement.
Thank you, Willum
And here's a quote from Willum himself, I think it says what we all know and feel in our hearts..
"Dobie Haven would like to dedicate our new kennels to Alyce
Frankie who founded this wonderful organization. She deserves all the
recognition for her achievement. Alyce is no longer with us in body but
her spirit will always be with us here at Dobie Haven."
Thank you, Alyce
APRIL 2005
I can only say that the angels started working overtime, and we were able to put in wonderful kennels for our fur babies. We are working on a visitation yard, and exercise yard now, sodding and seeding grass, and putting in seating areas.
The residents of Dobie Haven are happier, and cleaner, and safer now, and that is what it is all about.
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